Let’s end this debate now. The puzzle is now complete. We have the data and we know what works. We know the ‘too much protein is bad for your kidneys’ talk that some doctors and others tout is wrong. There is simply no data to validate this unless you have pre-existing, unrelated, kidney disease. We know that fasting/cleansing is good for you, not bad. For those who say ‘your body is always cleansing…that’s what the kidneys and liver are for,’ we can reply by showing them the research that far more can be done. For those who say that ‘protein is protein, ‘ we can clearly demonstrate that this is not the case…not even close. Many say ‘I’ve tried everything and nothing works.’ Maybe that person has tried other programs, but they most certainly have not incorporated caloric restriction and intermittent fasting. If they had, they would’ve achieved the results they were looking for. Being 80% of health and how we look is due to nutrition, whereas only 20% is due to exercise, it’s quite important to have a lifestyle system that addresses the 80% part. By taking care of the 80% part, you will perform and recover better with the exercise part. They are not mutually exclusive. Lapses in nutrition will only get you more injuries. I see this all too often.
You get the point. It’s time to do what we know works instead of looking for excuses when it comes to diets and body modification. This is about YOU and how you can feel, function, and look better.

Protein is the most important piece of the puzzle for body modification. Research shows that higher protein diets are safe for most everyone, except those with pre-existing kidney disease.
The literature is quite sound on the topic of diet and body composition. Whereas many say ‘we are all different and therefore need different approaches’, we can counter by saying that nothing could be more untrue. You want to lose fat weight and gain lean muscle mass? There is really only one way. We do not need to reinvent the wheel. One caveat on this though: disease processes do necessitate particular needs and interventions for the condition. But this is the exception, not the rule. This, coming from an insulin dependent diabetic!
There is no lack of research on the benefits of caloric restriction and intermittent fasting. Please follow me on Instagram (@drmanison) to see all the study abstracts I post. If you have even a modicum of discipline, you can alter your body composition by losing fat and gaining muscle, get healthier, gain energy, perform better, recover faster, have less back and joint pain, function better, and so much more. This is not my opinion. This is how the body works and the literature supports this in full. Change your lifestyle a bit and change the way you look and feel. Period!
So many people are looking for the fastest and easiest way to lose fat weight and gain muscle. How do I personally know that the combination of caloric restriction and intermittent fasting, the specific system that I utilize, works? I have seen the positive benefits in hundreds (so far) and I have an Inbody 570 FDA approved body composition machine to objectively validate the results. Please read my 3 blogs about the InBody to better understand the science behind this amazing technology. Part 2 click here. Part 3 click here. It is all about results.

Research shows that a high protein diet is REQUIRED for lean muscle mass. You should consume alkaline protein to avoid increasing systemic inflammation.
The biggest problem with diets/body composition is that it is very hard for people to gain/hold muscle weight and lose fat weight on their own. Sure, you can lose weight but that generally means you’re losing muscle and fat. This is not about starving; it’s about gaining muscle while we target fat loss. We most certainly do not want to lose muscle weight. There are many diet plans that are seen on TV or on the internet, but none of them are based on gaining muscle weight while losing fat weight and this is where they all fail. A healthy body is about body composition, not about weight. It’s about healthy food consumption and proper protein consumption, based on the literature, to help you achieve your desired results. On this topic, most all of us are not getting enough protein; it’s that simple. I’d venture that most people eat about half of the protein that they need. And many of those eating adequate protein are mostly likely eating inflammatory protein, and that is not the way to go.
Simply put, not all proteins are created equal. We need high biological value/alkaline proteins. And again, higher protein diets are safe. We also need our food to reduce systemic inflammation, not create it. The more inflammation we have, the more health issues we are going to suffer from.
Have you ever had your visceral fat level checked? For most of us, that answer is a NO, and this is quite unfortunate. Visceral fat is the fat that coats our organs and causes many disease processes. The FDA approved InBody 570 measures visceral fat and this number is accurate as it’s derived from comparisons with gold standard abdominal CT scans. The good thing is that with the InBody, you are not exposed to high levels of radiation like with a CT scan. A high visceral fat level likely means a shortened lifespan. We need to work to keep our visceral fat low. How do we achieve this?
We need to change the proportion of muscle/fat in our bodies. If it was easy for people to achieve their desired results, then most likely would. Conceptually, proper body composition sounds easy to achieve, but in actuality, it’s almost impossible to do on your own. Why is this? You really need to know at least some of the science. The programs on the market are not created equal. Of all the available programs, only one follows the studies and implements the two BEST ways to get lean and muscular: caloric restriction and intermittent fasting.
A June 2017 (hot off the press) study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition discusses their stand on diets and body composition. Nine main points are made. Points 6, 7, and 8 are particularly important. Number 6 discusses raising protein consumption levels to maximize muscle retention and get lean. Number 7 discusses the benefits of caloric restriction. Number 8, of course, discusses the importance of compliance. This study directly supports what we do for body composition change!
For those looking to achieve body composition change, we can help you do this easily. For doctors or other healthcare providers trying to help patients/clients with body composition, please allow me to help you achieve unmatched results with your patients/clients by combining the InBody FDA approved technology along with the specific body modification system that works so well.
Is this exciting? Yes! Is it fun? Yes. Just remember, the key to success in a body modification program is to enjoy it. By human nature, anything we do, even if good for us, will not be continued if it is in the least bit uncomfortable. Utilize a program that has unmatched results and track those results on the InBody. Don’t wait to be ill. Take charge now.