There is a lot of discussion about why StemWave is referred to as the “stem cell machine”. StemWave and SoftWave are amazing technological advancements that been allowed for use by the FDA for pain and inflammation reduction and more. However, do the electrohydraulic shockwaves produced by StemWave and SoftWave influence stem cell function to aid in regenerating tissue? It’s not enough to simply say it does. As doctors, we owe it to our patients to understand and educate how to best understand how this technology works. Continue Reading →
How StemWave and SoftWave ESWT Heal Your Body
Regenerative Medicine Step 3: StemWave and SoftWave ESWT (Part 2 of 2)
Cliff Notes for Both ESWT Blogs before we go forward:
1. StemWave and SoftWave offer electrohydraulic ESWT that is proven to be beneficial for a multitude of conditions
2. The science behind Electrohydraulic Shockwave Therapy is fascinating and has significant advantages over other forms of acoustic and pressure wave therapies
3. StemWave and SoftWave regenerate tissues like nothing ever demonstrated before
4. StemWave and SoftWave are unique and worth a try before more invasive intervention (ex. surgery)
**Please note that you do NOT need to be an active patient to benefit from StemWave and Softwave. You can simply make an appointment. This also applies to Hbot and NormaTec.
As we learned from Part 1, electrohydraulic shockwave therapy is an amazing technology. Although no one treatment intervention can fix every problem, StemWave and SoftWave most certainly addresses conditions that no other intervention can help. The excitement over shockwave therapy is palpable. It’s real. The research pool continues to grow and more and more treatment applications are being discovered as time goes on.
Integrative medical doctors and manual medicine doctors should move into ways to help patients regenerate muscles, ligaments, cartilage, and nerves. It’s THAT important. It’s also important to be aware of what the international shockwave community is saying about extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT). Is this all a farce or is it legitimate? Continue Reading →
Making Sense of Tissue Regeneration
The previous blogs have discussed our three-pronged approach to tissue regeneration. Whether you wish to recover faster and more successfully from surgery, have a fresh or chronic injury, or any other concern that needs regenerative therapy, this blog helps to explain the “how and why” behind these services. You do NOT need to be an active chiropractic patient to benefit from these services. Please call the office to start your path towards a speedy recovery and better overall health with any/all of the services we provide to help you.
1. Hyper-oxygenated blood

Nothing matches the systemic healing effects of pressure and oxygen. Hbot is unique and amazing, especially when coupled with 94% oxygen, at mouth.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Hbot) is a really unique approach. If you haven’t tried it, you should. Hbot is amazing for several reasons. In our office, we tend to use it most for musculoskeletal injury recovery (including faster surgical recovery), concussion recovery, and anti-inflammatory effects (people with conditions like Lyme really benefit from Hbot). It’s also highly effective for helping to prevent/reduce altitude sickness. It also offers so much more. For example, as was discussed in the last blog about Hbot, it has been shown to elongate telomeres, thus extending lifespan and aiding in tissue regeneration. So, we have many positive effects from Hbot. With our three-pronged approach to tissue regeneration, what we most want to derive from Hbot is the cellular oxygenation effect that dramatically improves a lot of
healing processes. Continue Reading →
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