
Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC

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It’s Not Your Neck Silly, It’s Your First Rib!  It’s My What?

It’s Not Your Neck Silly, It’s Your First Rib! It’s My What?

Many people seek care from a chiropractor for neck pain.  After all, it’s one of the most common conditions we treat.  Sometimes, however, the reason your neck hurts is not due to the neck itself but rather something else close by: the first rib.

The first rib is just that…it’s the rib that is highest up and close to your neck.  It goes from the T1 vertebra (the vertebra just below the ‘cervical’, or neck, vertebrae) to the upper portion of the sternum, on the front side.  The clinical importance of the first rib (in this case) is that it has two very important muscles that attach on it.  Those muscles are the anterior and middle scalenes muscles. Continue Reading →

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