
Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC

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Dr. Manison is now FMS Level 2 Certified…and why this is important for you!

Dr. Manison is now FMS Level 2 Certified…and why this is important for you!

We are proud to announce that Dr. Manison is FMS level 2 certified.  FMS, or Functional Movement Screen, is composed of a group of 7 movement and stability tests that are performed to assess necessary mobility and stability for athletes and laypeople alike.  This assessment addresses the full body.

Simply put, without proper mobility and stability, we are more prone to injury.  This isn’t to say that a high FMS score makes us impervious to injury, but the better we move and the more stable we are, the less compensation we have to make, and this tends to mean a lower risk of injury.  The FMS is also a gateway to the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA), for those who experience any pain during the FMS.

The FMS is a vital screen for anyone participating in sports or who wishes to work to be in shape.  If you want to perform better at whatever you do, from golf to running to triathlons to power lifting to CrossFit workouts, and more, working to correct your movement imbalances should be of utmost importance.  Simply put, if your body cannot appropriately handle the demands of your workouts, you need to correct the imbalances to move forward.

Dr. Manison will be offering FMS evaluations for those who wish to go that ‘extra mile’ to perform at an optimal level.  The FMS score enables Dr. Manison to pinpoint errors in movement capacity and recommend specific corrective exercises to address the imbalances.  In fact, scores will be stored at Functionalmovement.com (HIPAA compliant), and each person will be given access to the Functional Movement website where individualized programs will be created by Dr. Manison for clients/patients for home participation.  The screen can be re-administered from time to time and exercises modified as necessary.  This allows the patient/client and Dr. Manison to use objective criteria to aid in improving mobility and stability.

The FMS certification gives Dr. Manison another phenomenal tool to go along with all of his training.  In conjunction with his SFMA training (more information on this coming soon), clients/patients will have access to an unrivaled level of movement assessment and treatment in the state of Maryland.  You do not need to be an active patient of Dr. Manison’s to get a FMS assessment or take part in the corrective exercises program.   The FMS evaluations will be made by appointment only and individualized corrective exercises will be offered at that point.  The exercises will be altered based upon progress of the assigned routines.  If you currently work with a personal trainer, you are encouraged to continue, but you should not ‘load’ the areas the FMS has found to be deficient until the region(s) can handle it.  This will be determined by your progress in the FMS scoring.  The goal is raise the FMS score to an acceptable level where the corrective exercises will not be necessary and the body will have the capacity to train at a higher level to perform better at whatever sport/activity you wish to maximize.

The FMS (and SFMA) are the science behind optimal training as before you begin any activity at any level, you should be sure your body has the capacity to partake in such.

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Golf: Hip Rotation And Its Effect On Early Extension

Golf: Hip Rotation And Its Effect On Early Extension

As a certified Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) level 3 medical provider, I get the honor of treating a lot of golfers.  As golfers will tell you, the game is like a heroin addiction…but it’s actually more expensive!  A golfer will do just about whatever it takes to improve his/her game.  From shoes to gloves to clubs to lessons to whatever, nothing is too much if it will shed a few strokes off each round.  Whether the golfer is a 20 handicap or scratch or better golfer, improvements can always be made.  As is the case with any sports activity, proper stability and mobility are important and for a precision game like golf, they’re vital.

One major movement fault that many people and golfers alike have is a lack of internal hip rotation.  Proper hip mobility is not only vital for back health, but it is vital for proper swing mechanics.   I’d say, in my experience, that about 80% of golfers suffer from this issue.  It can be on the either side and depending which side it is on, the fault affects the backswing or the follow-through. Regardless of which one it is, it must be corrected to improve that score and lower the risk of musculoskeletal injuries…mostly, the force transmission into the low back.  This is one of the major reasons why so many golfers get low back pain. Continue Reading →

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