
Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC

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Femoroacetabular Impingement and What Is Done About It

Femoroacetabular Impingement and What Is Done About It

Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI), or hip impingement syndrome, is a painful hip condition that limit a person’s activities and can inhibit an athlete’s ability to perform.  Many times people can function just fine with an FAI, depending on their activity, but many times it’s necessary to get surgery to correct the problem.  After surgery though, proper rehabilitation is necessary so as to reduce scar tissue buildup in the hip joint region.  There are 3 types of FAI and each one can cause significant problems. Continue Reading →

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Golf: Hip Rotation And Its Effect On Early Extension

Golf: Hip Rotation And Its Effect On Early Extension

As a certified Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) level 3 medical provider, I get the honor of treating a lot of golfers.  As golfers will tell you, the game is like a heroin addiction…but it’s actually more expensive!  A golfer will do just about whatever it takes to improve his/her game.  From shoes to gloves to clubs to lessons to whatever, nothing is too much if it will shed a few strokes off each round.  Whether the golfer is a 20 handicap or scratch or better golfer, improvements can always be made.  As is the case with any sports activity, proper stability and mobility are important and for a precision game like golf, they’re vital.

One major movement fault that many people and golfers alike have is a lack of internal hip rotation.  Proper hip mobility is not only vital for back health, but it is vital for proper swing mechanics.   I’d say, in my experience, that about 80% of golfers suffer from this issue.  It can be on the either side and depending which side it is on, the fault affects the backswing or the follow-through. Regardless of which one it is, it must be corrected to improve that score and lower the risk of musculoskeletal injuries…mostly, the force transmission into the low back.  This is one of the major reasons why so many golfers get low back pain. Continue Reading →

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Slouching Population Part 1 of 3: Good Posture Goes Beyond Just Looks!

Slouching Population Part 1 of 3: Good Posture Goes Beyond Just Looks!

Over the weekend, I met some new friends, and the topic turned to posture very quickly once they found out that I was a chiropractor, and when I found out that they were IT specialists. They began to make fun of themselves about the ridiculous positions in which they sit while working at the computer. Until that moment, I had just visualized poor posture as sitting with the head forward, rounded shoulders, and hunched upper back. After speaking with this group, a new picture popped into my head regarding bad posture. One demonstrated leaning so far back in his chair with his leg propped up on a waste basket he may has well have been lying down. Another was slanting to the side and turning in a way that only a contortionist could have achieved. How you position yourself with your posture, comfortable or not, you may be taking years off your life….or just making those years a bit more painful. Continue Reading →

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