Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC

Comments 2

  1. Larry Resnick

    Can you provide more information about how StemWave works to reduce inflammation and increase mobility in patients with arthritis, specifically in the shoulder.

    • @Larry Resnick

      True shockwave reduces inflammation by a few means, but the most documented one is how it converts the macrophage phenotype from M1 to M2. This means that it converts the inflammatory response to an anti-inflammatory one, almost immediately. The M2 phenotype creates the phagocytosis that reduces the inflammation. As far as longer term care goes, after several sessions, the body begins the process of angiogenesis, or laying down of new blood vessels. This allows for the recruitment of stem cells that help to heal the damaged tissues.

      In the case of an any arthritic region, shockwave’s ability to increase blood supply aids the joint capsule with lubrication of the joint space and accelerates the healing process through the recruitment of stem cells to the area. This helps with regenerating muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even cartilage.

      Although there are plenty of studies indicating great success with shockwave therapy and shoulder issues, even more exist regarding shockwave for knee osteoarthritis.


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