Advanced chiropractic care is utilized for a multitude of conditions.
The principles of how the body works are universal. If joints and associated soft tissues are not working properly, proper care is necessary to correct the problem and help restore normal function. Simply put, a mechanical problem needs a mechanical resolution. Masking pain/inflammation and dysfunction with medications and other interventions will not lead to recovery and proper function.
With an emphasis on musculoskeletal structure and function, chiropractic care with a strong background in sports medicine offers an excellent treatment option for virtually any and all joint and soft tissue injuries in your body. From joint dysfunction to a sprain/strain complex, to post-surgical rehabilitation, extremity injuries, most disc pathologies, and more, sports chiropractic offers the most advanced conservative treatment for your condition(s). Please feel free to read on and browse the website to learn about many of the conditions advanced chiropractic care is utilized for.
Dr. Manison holds the highest level of training in the chiropractic, rehabilitative, and regenerative fields in the Columbia, Ellicott City, Howard County, and Baltimore region. It is not only his training, but also his experience, along with the incredible technologies he utilizes, that enable him to offer such high-quality care. In many cases, Dr. Manison doesn’t simply utilize amazing technologies, he also teaches them. Sports Dry Needling is just one example. Come see what Columbia Advanced Chiropractic, LLC can do to help you achieve optimal health and performance.